From the L.A. Times, a picture from a celebration for the passing of Prop. 8, banning gay marriage. How someone can celebrate something like that makes me nauseous. Maybe those Christofascistic homophobes are onto something about the link between gay sex and bestiality - because all I see in that room full of pro-Prop. 8 supporters are a bunch of swine. To force someone else to get divorced because you're not comfortable with their relationship, well, as the old Jews say, may you hurt where you breathe. And it certainly shouldn't be something you celebrate, any more than you should celebrate harsher penalties for every crime on the book, failing and closing public schools, and hospitals instituting "no insurance, no treatment" policies - because when you celebrate the failure of government and the institution of punitive measures against people who bear no relation to you, you fundamentally reject the notion of "the social", replacing it with "the natural", in which we are animals fighting for our little scratch of dust, alone, and without hope of progress or unity. That picture - that's the face of hatred of America, not ACORN, Bill Ayres, or Ralph Nader. That's the picture that wants to hurt, ban, and ultimately eradicate anyone who actually uses their freedom to bridge the gap between lonliness and love, rather than buy belt-buckles and sub-prime mortgages. One can only hope that this represents the crest of the wave of sexual hatred in this country, and that over the next few years, we begin to see the repeal of these amendments.
Oh, BTW - "Campaign contributions came from every state in the nation in opposition to the measure and every state but Vermont to its supporters." Fuck yeah, VT. Way to once again lead the country in being goddamn awesome. To recap: first in the nation called for Obama, only law school to lose government money for its opposition to allow army recruiters on campus because of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Howard "Fifty-State Strategy" Dean, and now only state not to have a single person who gave a dime to California Hatin'.
That Is All For Now.
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