Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Next?

So, it seems Obama's going to win; personally, I wouldn't be surprised, given the early voting numbers, if Obama has essentially won already. For example, in Georgia, early voting was already up to 80% of the TOTAL 2004 voting; African-American turnout was 35% of the electorate, when historically it was 25%. Unless there's a massive surge in white McCain voters today that pushes that 35% down to 30%, Georgia could be a miracle win for Obama, despite the overall polling that has it at a McCain victory. Not that I think Obama is going to win Georgia, but I do think that that kind of impetus will bode well for closer states like North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Indiana.

But now there's the next parlor game; who will Obama appoint to his cabinet? I put together my dream team below.

State: Bill Richardson
Treasury: Paul Krugman (though it'll probably be some tool like Jamie Dimon - more likely, one of Dimon's underlings.)
Defense: Wesley Clark (I know, I know - I just can't remember any of the other senior Defense appointments/representatives from the Clinton years.)
Attorney General: Patrick Fitzgerald
Interior: Lincoln Chafee
Agriculture: Tom Vilsack
Commerce: Robert Reich
Labor: Austan Goolsbee
Health and Human Services: Barry Bloom
Housing and Urban Development: Stanley Allen
Transportation: Tyler D. Duvall
Energy: William Jeffrey
Education: Gregory Mankiw
Veterans Affairs: No Damn Clue
Homeland Security: Tossup between a governor and a career FBI/D.O.J. person
Director of National Intelligence: REDACTED

Yeah, DHS and DNI are two that I really don't know; they're so new, there's no sort of track record of what kinds of institutional policy are going to influence the selection. As for the rest, they're from the higher reaches of Dem. politics and liberal-leaning intellegensia, with some career bureaucrats thrown into the mix. That's also not including Obama's "I.T. Czar" position that he has claimed he wants to create, and who will probably be someone like Paul Allen or Larry Ellison or Carly Fiorina. I daren't hope he'd put someone like Larry Lessig or Nicholas Negroponte or even Steve Wozniak (or maybe Richard Stallman? - no, I must be on crack) in charge.

Anyway, join in with whomever you'd like to see; rotisserie cabinetry for everyone!

That Is All For Now.

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